Sunday, July 10, 2011


In november last year we resurrected my lifelong dream to be a bee man. Building on some misdirected adventures with bees back in my twenties, I read some more books and bought two hives from Colin at Corio. Since then we have collected a swarm from Bob & Jeannie's in Barwon Heads (not as scary as it sounds).
"Smoke em if you've got em" Bob says. So he is.
Bob and Me cracking the seal on a hive.

Bob checking a frame of honey stores. 2/3 eaten as it is winter and the girls are living on rations.

A few jars harvest in late Summer this year. At present the girls (150,000 or so) are living on stores gathered in better weather. Hopefully another harvest at the end of Spring after some warm weather and blossom.
Another pastime resurrected from my twenties, thanks to our lovely daughter Rose by way of a xmas present in kit form, beer making. The two activities go nicely, as a bit of honey finds its way into brews. Pictured are a dark ale "Pelt", "Honey Wheat" & "Riddell's Creek Massacre" - a dark ale infused with Shiraz.

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